The 6 Best Self Help Books - Black Book Review Club's MUST READ BOOKS

The 6 Best Self Help Books
The 6 Best Self Help Books - Black Book Review Club's MUST READ BOOKS

If you are regular Reader of the Blog for a long enough time you'll know that I preach about reading quite often have tons of Articles that discussed a variety of benefits that reading can bring into your life but I haven't ever really shared with you the books that I think you should read so in today's Post I'm gonna share with you guys what I consider to be the six most important books that you really, really should consider reading but before we get started I like to thank FloatingYogi for sponsoring this episode for those of you that don't know what FloatingYogi is it's a platform where you can Learn about Yoga.
How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

1.     How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
I suggest you pick one of the six books that I'm going to talk about today because they are all available on Online the first book on my list is actually the first self-improvement book I ever read how to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie it must have been seventeen or eighteen when I first picked up this book now I'm sure many of you have already heard of this book it's probably the most recommended self-improvement book out there and there's a reason for this see what this book does is it teaches you simple little rules to keep in mind for social interactions. I don't want to spoil the book for you but there are certain things that you can do that will drastically increase your ability to befriend people. The book essentially teaches you how to become more likeable and that's one of the most powerful skills out there because if you can get people to like you then things will start to go your way you'll find that you have an easier time making friends getting jobs making sales and one of the great side effects of all of this is that you will be much happier and here's something to think about when you learn how to make friends you're essentially learning how to make others happy and this is one of the most fulfilling feelings out there the ability to spread joy and that's what how to win friends and influence people teaches you.
What Every BODY is Saying by Joe Navarro

2.     What Every BODY is Saying by Joe Navarro
The next book on my list is also related to social interactions what is everybody saying by Joe Navarro Navarro was an X-FBI agent whose specialty was reading people he passes on his knowledge in this book in an extremely easy to read format in fact I was able to finish this book in just two days now this book is very important because body language plays a crucial role in social interactions this is a must read for anyone that feels like they aren't performing that well socially there's so many of us that feel awkward or don't know what to do during social gatherings and I believe a big reason for this is because of our exposure to the Internet many of us have grown up in an environment where we socialize with people more online than in real life we're in a society where we use social media platforms like Facebook or snapchat more than we spend time speaking with people in person and this has caused many of us to lose our ability to read body language well reading body language is an extremely important skill because you can tell what a person is feeling by looking at their body language during a conversation you're never always gonna say the right things you're bound to have jokes or comments that others don't find that entertaining especially if it's your first time meeting them now if your ability to read body language isn't sharp you'll often find yourself saying the wrong things without even knowing and this can easily make you come off as more annoying or repulsive and you will find yourself having a much harder time making friends or establishing romantic relationships because you can't tell what you're doing wrong being able to read body language is like being able to see what answers on a test you got wrong if you don't have the ability to see the right answers then you'll never know what to adjust.
Models: Attract Women Through Honesty

3.     Models: Attract Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson 
The next book on my list is models by Mark Manson now this book is an interesting book to be honest it kind of comes off as a sleazy pick-up book but the core lesson it teaches you is actually incredibly valuable you know that piece of advice that people throw around oh just be yourself well this book actually teaches you why and how to do just that because there's so many of us that feel like we need to do certain things or say certain things to impress people we need to like certain sports we need a where certain clothes etc models teaches you how by just sticking to what you love saying what's on your mind and quote-unquote just being yourself will actually get more people to like you it also happens that this concept will drastically improve your romantic relationships by a lot now I know it sounds kind of vague but trust me there's a reason why I've read book three times over because that core lesson is just that important now.
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

4.     Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
The fourth book on this list is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki it's the only book on wealth that I have on this list and there's a reason for that Rich Dad Poor Dad teaches you a very simple mindset that will quite literally change your life it's a mindset that makes a lot of sense but no one ever talks about it it's not taught in school it's not talked about in the media my friends my parents none of them knew about it I know I'm beating around the bush by not telling you what this mindset is but I don't want to spoil the book for you it's honestly a super easy read it's a short book and I was able to finish it in just one day and I actually do a tribute a lot of my success to this book this simple mindset that I keep talking about is definitely something that I still think about quite often it's the reason I've made certain choices in my life and it's without a doubt one of the main reasons I'm doing what I do right now if you want to be rich one day you have to read this book.
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

5.     The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
The fifth book on my list is the power of habit by Charles Duhigg this was actually one of the books that I used to build the same course this book is a must read because it teaches you about how habits work see our destiny what we accomplish in life is ultimately determined by what sort of habits we have if we have a bunch of bad habits then chances are we're not going anywhere anytime soon Joe Haeg breaks down exactly how habits work and what you can do to change them if you've watched the team course and you're working on changing the habits in your life and this is definitely one of the books you have to read the more you understand why and how your addiction works the inner workings of all habits then the more things you can do to make sure you overcome it a very, very important book for anyone that wants to change their life the sixth and
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

6.       The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle
Final book on this list is a very special book it's a book that I've read four times over it's a book that I've gifted to over 20 people it's a book that quite literally changed my life it's the power of now by Eckhart Tolle and I'll be honest the premise of this book is pretty weird Eckhart was a man in his late twenties became fed up with life and claims to have spent a month just sitting on a park bench in a state of bliss he talks about the root of all suffering why so many of us feel miserable about our lives why we like to argue with our loved ones why we can't find happiness the book is written in a rather art form at every couple of pages there's a prompt for you to set the book down and think about what you just read I had many many breakthroughs the first time I ever read this book it drastically changed the way I viewed the world and I can proudly say that has made me into a happier person and that's the reason I love gifting this book out so much because I want to spread that joy and these are what I consider to be the six best self-improvement books out there I highly suggest you check them out because each and every single one of these books has drastically changed my life for the better.

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