The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod - How to Create a Morning Routine

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod - How to Create a Morning Routine

How you wake up in the morning effects your entire day. If you begin your morning with momentum, you can keep it up for the rest of the day. So Hal Elrod created a morning routine that he calls "The MiracleMorning", which helps you start the day full of motivation and enthusiasm. But before we get to the routine, you need to wake up first... And we all know how hard that is in the morning.

The old saying "you snooze you lose", may have a much deeper meaning than any of us realized. When you delay waking up until you absolutely have to, consider that what you're doing is actually resisting your life. So here a few tips how you can resist pressing that snooze button. Move alarm across the room. This forces body movement and motion creates energy, so it helps you wake up. However you'll still likely be feeling sleepy so... Brush your teeth.

The point is that you're doing a mindless activity for the first few minutes and simply giving your body time to wake up. Since you're in a bathroom already, splash some water on your face, it will wake you up even further. Drink a glass of water. After 6-8 hours without water you'll be naturally dehydrated and dehydration causes fatigue. The objective is to dehydrate your body and mind as fast as possible, to replace the water you were deprived of during the hours you slept.

"Have faith in the magic and miracles of life, for only those that do get to experience them." Quote By Hal Eldrod

Have faith in the magic Quote By Hal Eldrod

Alright so you're up... What now? How do you have a successful morning? Enter: Life savers S, stands for silence. You can either do meditation or just heavy deep breathing, while you let your mind wander. It will help you clear your head of all the negative thoughts and reduce stress. Just do it for 5 minutes. But make sure you don't do it in bed; you don't want to fall asleep again!

A, stands for affirmations. Your self-talk has a dramatic influence on your mood. When you design and write out your affirmations, align them with what you want to accomplish and commit to repeating them daily - they make an impression on your subconscious mind. You can overcome your limiting beliefs and behaviors and replace them with those you need to succeed. Here's an example if you want to lose weight, your affirmation might look something like this: I am 100% committed to going to the gym 5 days a week and running on a treadmill for 20 minutes. The more specific the actions the better. Customize them to your needs and also feels free to add some inspiration quotes in.

"Who you're Becoming is far more important than what you're Doing, and yet it is what you're Doing that's determining who you're Becoming." Quote By Hal Eldrod

Who you're Becoming Quote By Hal Eldrod

V, stands for visualizations. Visualizing your goals and dreams is believed by some experts to attract your visions into your life. Whether or not you believe in law of attraction, visualization lifts up your spirit and emotions and pulls you toward your vision. It can be a powerful tool for overcoming self-limiting habits such as procrastination.

E is for exercise. Morning exercise should be a staple in everyone’s daily ritual. When you exercise even for a few minutes every morning it significantly boosts your energy and mental clarity. Every morning you got to get your hearth rate up and fill lungs with oxygen. Whether you do some yoga, go for a walk or run is up to you. Me personally, I like to do some light stretching and go to the gym.

R is for reading. Whatever you want in your life, there are countless books on how to get it. The key is to learn from the experts, those who have already done what you want to do. With an almost infinite amount of books available on every topic, there are no limits to the knowledge you can gain through daily reading. I recommend making a commitment to read at least 10 pages per day. Let’s do some math here. Reading 10 pages per day equals 3650 per year, which equates approximately eighteen 200-page personal development books. So 10 pages a day equals 18 books per year. I guarantee that if you start reading today you'll see major improvement in your life.

S is for scribing. Scribing is just another word for writing. You can write about anything. You can have a dream journal; write about your goals and plans, lessons learned and so on. Anything you feel like you need to focus on in your life writing will help you capture ideas. The process of writing something down forces us to think through it enough to understand it. So that's it about "life savers". You can do each activity for as long as you wish, but try not to exceed 1 hour with your morning routine.

Try to implement some of the ideas talked about in this video and customize the savers for your needs. And remember, these are just ideas on how you can upgrade your morning. This is not something you HAVE to do to have a great one.

"Love the Life You have while You create the life of your Dreams." Quote By Hal Eldrod
Love the Life You have Quote By Hal Eldrod

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