I know what you've been up to you may have been trying really hard to get rid of it but don't worry, today I'm going to give you the solutions 10 of them to be precise. Hi guys and welcome to self-help yourself the #1 self-help, Book reviews and summary Blog dedicated to becoming the best version of yourself.

Man's best friend, or his worst enemy, you decide! And a woman’s and a woman's too relax masturbation and pornography shhh! That’s against our culture! We aren't supposed to talk about it! OH NO! NO! NO!... We are going to talk about that today before i get into the details in Article here's a little bit of an introduction. So masturbation is the stimulation of one's own genitals, for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure usually to the point of orgasm. Now, some men use sexual fantasy Erotic stimuli or even lubricating substances in order to increase stimulation now there are two primary techniques for that. Stroking, rubbing and pornography. Twenty-five percent of all internet searches right now, are all going towards porn. and let's face it we both know that you aren't going into the next room just to send in that last email or complete your assignments.

Pornography is synonymous with drugs and for good reason Prolonged exposure increases tolerance and even though it may not be a physical substance, It changes your tastes and desires you might even be addicted to it right now and even if you don't want it you still so obsessed with it that is to compulsively seek it out and what was once a stress-buster done just for fun is now completely out of your control am i right there's a reason why they tell you that too much ice cream is bad for you see, indulging in activities like eating or sex or even porn and masturbation for that matter. They release chemicals inside our head and that makes us feel oh so good but if we do too much of it. It motivates us to do the same thing over and over again that's what your brain is telling you in short. It changes the way you think and feel so if you added chocolate syrup to ice cream, then what would happen it would taste amazing that's what would happen. But what if, you ate that every day for a week, no a month, or three months then what would happen? You’d get fat, really fast I thought the name of this video was ten tips on how to stop masturbation and porn oh don't worry, I’m getting to that. But that's basically it. Chocolate setup and ice cream pretty much like Masturbation and porn there okay sometimes on their own, but when they collide.... DISASTER HAPPENS but don't worry there is a way to get back to the way you were, you just need to give your brain a break from all that stimulation and retrain your mind and body to behave in a certain way once again having said that, here are the 10 tips But don't think of these as overnight solutions oh no, no, no, these are skills and changes that you need to implement and practice and surely with time you will get better.

Tip number 1 practice relaxation and meditation OMMMMMMMMM be sure to do this at least once or twice on a daily basis, I've left you a couple of links down in the description box below, on how to meditate be sure to check those out, believe me they can really help you so why are we doing this? What has this got to do with masturbation or porn? this is centered on the concept of mindfulness you're not thinking about the past you're not thinking about the future you're in the present moment only and that allows you to think straight and take good decisions.

Tip number 2 stop masturbation completely for the next three months yeah you heard me, the next three months this is assuming that in those three months that you gain, at least a little bit of control they say it takes about twenty one days to form a new habit and about 60 days to create new lifestyle and if you're watching this video well, probably you've been masturbating and watching porn for far longer than 60 days, I know that. Now in these three months, oh by the way, three months that's the minimum period. So in those three months the first 21 days are going to be the hardest and it's really important to not say things like oh I haven't masturbated in like a week, what am I going to do? Do not count the number of days that you haven't watched porn or masturbated it's just not healthy once you feel you're on the road towards the regaining control remove all the relevant masturbation and pornographic material that's around you and that includes, the internet your various apps like Facebook or Instagram that might be triggering these reactions within your head or even boredom These have to go right now oh and if you're old-fashioned and like magazines or like reading sex-stories, those gotta go out too! but if you survive the first 21 days then you've got yourself a habit a few months down the line, that's when the magic happens because that's usually when you regain your self-control.

Tip number 3 leave your doors unlocked yeah you heard me leave them unlocked in fact if you can, leave it open at all times if you live with your family great! if you don't, just pretend that somebody might walk in on you while you are doing it.

Tip number 4 change the room you sleep in. if not, change the location of where you sleep within the room, and once you're there, do not masturbate there this is to develop a positive association of sleep with that particular place and to break the thought process that place is meant for watching porn or masturbating in. the same goes for the bathroom or wherever else you might be doing this the key being, use that location for what it is only meant nothing else

Tip number 5 This is a hard one I have to agree stop porn completely you have to I probably should Everything's available at our fingertips these days be it our laptops, our desktop PCs, our tablets, or even our smartphones we're just four letters away from that sinful wonderland that we know oh so well. which is why it's so important for us to monitor our activities and take ownership for what we do. in other words, no porn trigger, means no masturbation trigger, right? I believe that's a good mantra to practice on a regular basis, don't you?

Tip number 6 stay in the presence of others as much as you can. If you are with somebody, pretty likely that you won't masturbate

Tip number 7 increases your social activity. If you aren't social, get out there! Meet others, make friends and stay away from your room as much as you can.
Tip number 8 stay busy and occupy yourself with more socially desirable and fulfilling behaviors that add value to your life don't waste your time sitting idle as long as the brain is stimulated by something other than masturbation and porn, you're likely to come out of this habit a lot faster.

Tip number 9 If you get thoughts about porn or masturbating, pinch yourself hard and then get back to whatever you were supposed to be doing we do this, to invoke a subconscious punishment, and to tell our brain that what we're doing is absolutely wrong.

Tip number 10 find healthier distractions or better stress busters, exercise art or even music any hobby really that will help you occupy yourself something that is easy to follow without repercussions this will help you deviate your sexual drive towards something that is more adaptable and more fruitful so there you have it guys 10 tips on how to stop masturbation and porn addiction give all of them a try remember persistence and patience are the keys that are going to help you use these skills effectively you really want to reach a place where you can take ownership and responsibility for your actions and that is the most important tip that you need to be taking away from this entire video the bottom line is pornography is unhealthy and it's not a natural activity so I advise you to stop that for the rest of your life masturbation on the other hand is a different matter it is a natural and healthy activity and you don't have to give that up permanently it's only a short while after all in the context of your entire life come on! so concentrate on regaining control of yourself do not let the epidemic control of you and dominate your life and routine stay motivated remember why you are doing this and implement these skills to get your life back on track.

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