WARNING: The Negative Effects of Masturbation
today I’m going to discuss masturbation and how it affects your body, mind and
relationships. I’ll discuss the benefits, the negatives, what’s defined as
“excess” masturbation and the difference between having an organism through
masturbating vs. intercourse. And trust me, IF you’re someone who masturbates
-- a little or a lot -- man or woman -- you’ll definitely want to Read this
Article till end. However, before I continue … if you aren’t already, please
make sure you subscribe to my
Blog right now while it’s fresh on your mind because I’ve got some very important Articles coming out soon about this topic
and similar topics and I don’t want you to miss out.
of Masturbation. Maturbation is very natural and most people do it. In fact,
your body NEEDS to have an orgasm and that’s what “wet dreams” are. It happens
more often to men because of their higher testosterone levels, but it still
happens to women. So, you can either have an orgasm by yourself
(masturbation)... or with someone … or if you do neither, your body will
“release” it on its own through a “wet dream” or a “nocturnal emission”. The
benefits of having an orgasm is that it can help you relax, reduce anxiety and
blood pressure, sleep better, improves blood flow and helps you live longer by
reducing stress hormones.
men, it helps increase your testosterone levels and reduce prostate problems,
when it’s not done “excessively”. For women, it helps reduce menstrual pain and
duration. And if you don’t have someone to be sexual with, then it’s time for
you to masturbate, so you can get some of these health benefits. Unfortunately,
almost anything good in excess can be bad for you as well.
of Masturbation so, let’s move on to the “negatives” of masturbation and more
specifically, EXCESSIVE masturbation. However, we first need to define what
“excessive” really is. Unfortunately, this can sometimes be a subjective
answer. But, generally speaking - if it’s “compulsive” ….or …. you’re thinking
about it throughout the day, almost every day … or … it’s getting in the way of
your life and daily activities … or … preventing you from having or maintaining
a relationship … or … you feel badly about it and guilt … or … it’s becoming an
“addiction” … then you are masturbating excessively. And, not only does this
negatively impact your life, like a drug… But it ALSO negatively affects your
physical AND mental health as well. For example, men in their 20’s, 30’s and
40’s, who “frequently” masturbated 5X a week or more, has been linked to an
INCREASE in prostate cancer for men.1 While the same amount done by men in
their 50’s, REDUCED the risk of prostate cancer.
1 Men
who masturbate “excessively”, have less sensitivity during sex and take longer to
climax. Additionally, they can also suffer from erectile dysfunction and
“reduced firmness”... and I’ll expand on this in a minute HOW You Masturbate Is
Also a Problem Another problem is HOW you masturbate. For example, many women
who masturbate tend to use “toys” - such as vibrators and dildos.Evidence has
shown they take longer to climax during sex and have less sensitivity. Men, who
masturbate, typically watch porn. Well, this also reduces sensitivity and
expectations when it comes to having sexual intercourse. Additionally, there
are negative neurological changes for men who masturbate daily to porn. There’s
an over release of Dopamine, the “pleasure chemical” and this then causes a
negative rebound and reduces sensitivity at the dopamine receptors. The
basically SAME problem that happens to cocaine users.
2 Thus,
you need “more” to get the same pleasurable feelings. The other problem for
guys is that the initial increase in testosterone, eventually causes a DECREASE
because there’s an increase in female hormones - such as prolactin and
estrogen. The end result is lower testosterone levels and THIS ends up causing
you to age faster, lose muscle, get depressed, moody, and eventually - have
erectile problems.
3 Excess
masturbation has also been linked to accelerate hair loss and balding, due to
an increase in the balding hormone, DHT Finally, excessive masturbation
depletes your body of certain nutrients and minerals, such as zinc… in addition
to cerebrospinal fluid. Which can result in accelerated aging, hair loss and
4 Again,
the problem here is a negative change in your hormones
5 …
And in a minute I’ll give you some natural solutions to fix this, but before I
do - I want to finally discuss the difference between: Orgasms by masturbation
vs. intercourse At the end of all this, you may be thinking “so orgasms are
good, excessive masturbation could be bad - but, what about “excessive
intercourse” -- will it have the same problems?” Actually, it won’t and here’s
why… People who are “excessively” masturbating … daily or multiple times a day,
are never going to be having that much sex. And if they are, they are “sex
addicts” and thus, they have other issues. When you’re having intercourse,
there are lots of other things going on that are beneficial -- being touched,
eye contact, communication, smelling, communicating, etc... And the fact that
it’s REAL and not something “fake”, like watching porn - causes beneficial
changes in your hormones. So what’s The Solution? So now that I’m near the end
of today’s video, you’re probably thinking “okay, so what’s the solution here -
I hope you’re NOT going to ask me to STOP masturbating?!!” And no, I’m not. But
allow me to give you 3 solutions. First, I would suggest you REDUCE your
masturbating. It’s like working out.
can’t go to the gym every single day - it’s not good for your health and it’ll diminish
your results and slow your progress because of negative changes in your
hormones. You need to have “off days” and sometimes, you need to take off a few
days or maybe even a week to let your body recuperate and improve your
hormones. So, I suggest you do the same with masturbating. Practice some
self-control and have pre-scheduled days OFF. Secondly, try masturbating
without any porn. Watching porn is actually becoming a very big problem in
society, especially for men… and it’s causing a lot of negative issues as it
pertains to sex, impotence and neurological changes in your brain. Lastly, make
sure you’re at least taking specific herbs, vitamins and minerals which are
designed to help replenish what you’re losing in the orgasm, to help increase
your testosterone levels and to reduce the negative hormones such as female and
stress hormones. It’s just like working out .. you need to give your body what
it’s losing. And for this, I suggest you click the link below in the
description area and use a proven formula specifically designed for this … to
help safely and naturally optimize your youth hormones. And if you have any
form of erectile problems, this formula will surely help fix it. CTA Well,
that’s it for today. I hope this Article gave your more clarity. If you found
it helpful, please give it a “thumbs up” and “share the health” with others, so
they can benefit as well. Also, do me a favor and please leave your comments or
questions below. Thanks for Reading and have a happy and healthy day!